Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How Time Flies

Hey! Almost another full year! Hooray! This must be what time work slowed down last year. Awesome.

I have not stopped making stuff, that's for sure. As usual I go through phases and work on different stuff at different times. I'm currently making pendants out of resin and wasps that Frankenstein killed.

And now that I live out west, I have discovered the absolute joy of doing encaustics INSIDE THE HOUSE. Here are a few I have done.

Leather is still happening. I made some tissue boxes:

I bought a roll of clay-covered wire mesh that is pretty awesome. Made a bowl:

And whatever this guy is:

He started life as a failed whittling project and a lightbulb.

If I'm too tired after Factory Job to actually make anything, I try to put something in the sketchbook. Such as this:

And I have updated the shop a bit, and added some new products:

Dr. Craftenstein

And I haven't even photographed all the lino blocks I've carved and printed. So I have been staying busy! And once again I will try to post more often. Haha. We'll see how that turns out.