Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ketchup Time

Geez, I have a lot of leftover projects piled up. Let's see...

My English friends received their baby gift, so I can finally post that. Of course I loaded up the baby with Redskins gear (still don't know the gender, doesn't matter. Go Skins!) and USA onesies, and of course a knit devil hat. Then I purchased two blank cross-stitch bibs at Hobby Lobby, and decided this is probably what English babies are thinking all the time:

And I couldn't help this one:

So is the new Flickr layout going to stay this anus-clenchingly horrible forever, or will they revert back to the old one? It sucks so bad I can't form words right now.

I made this at my husband's request:


In metal stamping news, I switched out the badge on my bracelet, mostly just to see if I could do it. I could, so this gives my bracelet a whole new dimension. It will be like those crappy roadside arrow-shaped marquees advertising Bud Light, changing at my whim!


It says "IF FOUND, PLEASE RETURN TO WATAIN." For those of you that don't know, this is Watain:

Specifically, please deliver me to the blood-soaked demon on the left. KTHX

I was finally able to deliver the BFF's Birthday Magic, and part of it included this award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Patriotism:


Is that thing magnificent or what? It weighs a ton. I cut the metal plaque with my dremel and tried to replicate the specific shape, then hammered the words into the plaque and doublestick taped it on. He's earned all that and more.

One last random thing and then I'll close this one out. In Piloxing class (yep, pilates + kickboxing...) we wear these half-pound hand weight gloves. I decided mine didn't kick enough ass, so I studded them out.


That's right. FEAR ME.

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