Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Scenes From The Bunker

Getting close to the end of the pile here.

Not sure if I ever mentioned the "Sorry About Your Hemorrhoids" potato from the BFF, pictured enormously drunk in the shot right behind it:

That was the first official night in the Bunker. *sniff* The potato arrived around the same time as the Ship-A-Dick. The BFF was on a roll. I put the potato on the shelf for posterity, assuming it would last forever, like our friendship!! Until one day I noticed a small black puddle of I don't know what oozing out from under it. Had to toss it out. R.I.P. Hemorrhoid Potato. :(

Pretty sure I remember collecting and sending in box tops plus like $1.50 for this back in the Dark Ages. Now it lives next to my stove:

The Cowboy once brought me a four pack of Bitch Creek because he had already drunk two of them. I made a vase.

Not sure if I've posted photos of my knife target. My graffiti game is on point.

Hashtag Art.

I once asked the Cowboy if he wanted to go see some superhero movie that had just come out. He replied, "So we can watch them battle a churning ball of shit?" I drew this for him:

Couple more out of the nightly sketchbook:

Finally took a photo of the hatband I made for my straw hat. Muskrat bones and glass beads that aren't turquoise but look like maybe turquoise:

And finally, I have almost burned through my glow in the dark Utahraptor notebook for work, so I prepped a new one:

I will follow those dudes into hell.

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